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You CAN Sell Your Small House!

By March 3, 2020Home Real Estate

Making the most of low square footage

Are you trying to sell a home that is 2,500 square feet or less? Are you struggling to find the right market for it? Are you unsure of how to pique the interest of buyers?

Sometimes, smaller homes can be a trickier sell. If they feel cramped or don’t have intriguing features that make up for lower square footage, buyers may want to run in the other direction.

At G & H Management, we get that this can be frustrating. Homebuyers all want something different, and you want your home to stand out. Luckily, we’re experts in the field of real estate sales and property management. We’re here to tell you that YES, you CAN sell your smaller home in today’s market. Here are a few tips on how to get headed in the right direction:

  • Think differently about the space. This could be as simple as decluttering. Move items from off the floor, and avoid shoving them in the corner. Clearing all of this away will give the rooms new life: they’ll feel larger than they really are. Go a step further and paint the walls. A neutral color that has warm undertones will feel friendly and inviting without looking sterile. Even small steps like getting rid of bulky curtains and opening up the blinds will change how a room feels and let in more natural light.
  • Reconfigure furniture. Items such as large, clunky sectionals have no place when selling a small home. They’ll take up much more space than necessary, and won’t add to the value of your home. So be selective when it comes to the furniture, and keep it simple. Slender chairs, smaller tables, and nice accents like a vase of flowers can make a huge difference.
  • Highlight your home’s unique features. Every house has something interesting about it, whether it’s a vaulted ceiling, original hardwood floors, or even a recently finished basement. Don’t give buyers the opportunity to overlook what sets your home apart! Mention these features when advertising your home, and use staging (the action of using furniture and other elements to paint your home in its best light for buyers) to accentuate these areas.
  • Contact G&H Management! The best part about all of this? You don’t have to do it alone! Start by contacting G&H Management either by phone (507-334-3499) or over on our website. We’re local, we’re committed, and we can help you sell your home! Ask us about our process, and why we refer to it as “Stress Free Real Estate”.




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