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Should I Downsize to an Apartment?

By November 14, 2019Uncategorized

Are you ready to downsize but are not sure if it is the right move for you?  If your kids have moved out, you’re tired of battling the elements for yard work, or you need a change, we are here to help. We are here to work with you to decide if downsizing to an apartment is right for you and how to make your move easy and efficient. Whatever your reason is, we want to help make your transition to an apartment as painless as possible.

Reasons to downsize:

Less Upkeep
A smaller space means fewer places to clean, and being in an apartment building means that you won’t have to take care of mowing, shoveling, raking, or any other outdoor chores!
A Fresh Start
Whether you are ready to move out of the state, town, or just down the street, sometimes it is helpful to get a fresh start.
You Don’t Need the Extra Space
Your kids have grown up and moved, and while it is bittersweet to leave their childhood home, you don’t need all of the extra space anymore. It may be time to start thinking about downsizing to a more manageable space!
Availability in City Areas
If you are ready to move from the suburbs/country, there is a wide variety of apartment options in the city. City living will provide you with new opportunities to explore with the convenience of being close to parks, restaurants, and other attractions. Moving into the city will cut down travel time, which in turn will give you more free time to explore and do more of what you love.
Meet New People
Apartment living is a great way to meet people without having to endure the elements outside! Depending on the type of community you move into, some apartment complexes will offer events so you will have a chance to get to know others.

How to downsize:

Work Through Storage Areas First
It is no secret that we all have those spaces that we are afraid to go into for fear that everything will fall over! However, this is where you need to start your cleaning. When you downsize, you will not have all of the extra storage you do now.
Organize Before You Pack
If you organize everything before you pack, this will save you the trouble of trying to figure out where everything is when you are unpacking at your new home!
Think Quality and Multipurpose
Why have five appliances when you can have an all-in-one! To save on space, keep/buy products that can be used for multipurpose!
Measure – Room and Furniture
When you have a big space, you have big furniture! Before you move everything to your new place and find out it won’t fit, make sure to measure the rooms where you’re moving and the furniture you want to take with you before moving anything.
Be Realistic
If you haven’t used it in the last two years, do you really need it?
Use a Storage Unit
If worse comes to worst, you can always rent a storage unit! Hopefully, after adjusting to apartment living, you will continue to downsize and be able to let go of the storage unit.

Downsizing can be challenging, but with these few tips, we hope it is less stress and more of an adventure! When you are ready to downsize, call our realtors at G&H Management to get started on the rest of your life!

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