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I Am Ready to Sell My House…Now What?

So, you have thought a lot about it, and you have decided to sell your house and move to your dream location! Congratulations! That is so exciting! I bet you are wondering, now what? It all seems great, but how do you even begin preparing your home to go on the market? Our team at G&H is here to help! We have put together a simple to-do list of all the main features to take care of before putting your house on the market.  

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Start cleaning 

  • Outside  
  • Think about your curb appeal. The first thing that someone will see of your house is the outside. Remember to: 
      • Mow the lawn  
      • Line trim around the house 
      • Weed the garden/make sure your plants look nice  
    • Power wash your siding and deck/porch  
  • Inside  
  • Try to make everything as clean as can be. Deep clean everything and everywhere. Some essential cleaning to remember to do:  
      • Vacuum  
      • Scrub the floors  
      • Wash the windows and mirrors   
      • Wipe down all counter surfaces 
      • Dust everything   
      • Pick up and organize everything (clothes, toys, books/movies/magazines, etc.)  
    • Declutter. You want your potential buyers to picture themselves in the house and not your family.  

Fix it up  

  • If there are any holes in the walls, patch them  
  • If you have stains on the carpet or furniture, try to clean them yourself or call in a professional  
  • Make sure your walls look good and if there are scratches or chips paint them  
  • Polish the woodwork  

After you have done the cleaning and maintenance, the next step is to meet with your realtor and talk about price and selling points. Our fully functional relator team specializes in Residential, Commercial, and Land Sales. We are here to help with all of your selling and buying needs. Call us today!

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