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DOs and DON’Ts of Apartment Living

By September 26, 2023December 17th, 2024Tenants

Moving can be as exciting as it is stressful, and with so many details to track, sometimes the big picture can get lost. Want to create and maintain responsible living habits, be a good neighbor, and have a stress-free rental experience? Keep reading. 🙂 

Here at G&H Properties, we want you to have a smooth and successful experience in your new place. So, whether you just moved in, intend to soon, or it’s in your long-term plan, we put together this list with a few DOs and DON’Ts to help guide you.  

DO: Save and Budget
Even outside of rent, the cost of living is high, which makes saving and being smart with your money very important. Start with these tips, and be prepared for big and small expenses that can add up quickly! 

DON’T: Rush the Decorating and Furnishing Process
Follow your head rather than your heart when it comes to decorating. Furniture can be expensive and will make or break a space. Plan for what you need and leave out what you don’t. Carefully consider how each piece will fit in your space. Take the time to decorate in a style that represents and reflects you, and be patient; it takes time to come together. 

DO: Be Familiar with Your Lease and Property
Keep yourself informed! Yes – you really should read your lease!! If you need help understanding something, ask your property manager. Know the rules of your building and carefully read all information about the property. Be sure you understand things like how to submit a maintenance request or what will happen if you miss a month’s rent.  

DON’T: Forget to Inspect Your Apartment
When you move in, look in every nook and cranny, test the outlets, and ensure the appliances work. Check the smoke alarm, carbon monoxide detectors, and AC/heating unit. This way any issues can be recorded and addressed immediately, and they won’t catch you off-guard.  

DO: Engage with Your Place and Community
If you’ve moved to a new city, neighborhood, or even a new building, you’re in a new community! Getting engaged is as simple as taking advantage of your rental’s amenities, exploring your new neighborhood, or attending apartment and community events.  

DON’T: Be a Bad Neighbor
When you live in close proximity to others, it’s important to be mindful of your impact on the shared parts of your environment. Loud sounds, intense smells, and big gatherings can all be disruptive. Put yourself in your neighbor’s shoes –– if something would bother you, don’t expose others to it.  

DO: Maintain Your Space
Make your space your own – decorate and furnish to reflect your style! But remember, it’s a rental, and routine cleaning is an important part of renting. Doing a little bit each day or week is key for maintaining your space. Not to mention, it will make living there more enjoyable and make the eventual move-out process much easier.  

DON’T: Be Afraid to Ask for Help
Need help planning or budgeting? Moving furniture? Getting internet? Moving to a new place is not an easy task. There is so much to do, and it can all be a little overwhelming. It’s okay to lean on family members and friends, and utilize resources like your property manager.  

Renting an apartment comes with many responsibilities, and here at G&H Properties, we are committed to making sure you’re informed and prepared. Use these tips as a guideline, and remember that it’s normal to make mistakes. If you have any questions or need assistance finding the perfect apartment for you, feel free to contact us.  

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