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Connecting with Our Community

By May 19, 2020Uncategorized

As the state beings to re-open, the team at G&H Management wanted to take a moment to discuss some ways that we can support our local community during this time of transition. A little effort goes a long way!

  1. Check in! Wondering about the status of your favorite small business? Try giving them a call, or send them a message on social media. Each business reserves the right to approach the process of re-opening in their own unique way, so don’t assume that everything will go back to normal right away. Be an informed customer!
  2. Share updates! If you see small businesses posting about their re-opening plans on social media, share their posts! This will give them an even further customer reach. Good old-fashioned word-of-mouth works too — let your neighbors and friends know what you’ve learned, and maybe they’ll share something with you too!
  3. Respect safety precautions. We are all in uncharted territory, and everyone will be approaching the coming months in a multitude of different ways. Small businesses will be doing what they can to ensure the health and safety of their employees and customers. They may be enlisting rules that pertain to social distancing and proper sanitation efforts. As a customer, it is not your place to challenge these precautions. Show your support by following the rules — it’s what’s best for everyone!
  4. Be flexible. In the grand scheme of things, many people and many businesses are still taking everything day by day. As a community, we need to be able and willing to adapt as changes come.
  5. Stay up-to-date! We’ve all been bombarded with information over the last few months, but it is important to remain accurately informed. For those of you in the Faribault area, you can find the latest information here.

The G&H Management team look forward to supporting our local community members and small businesses this coming summer and beyond.


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