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5 Reasons to Hire a Professional Property Management Company

By August 3, 2022Property Management

Are you a rental property owner who is feeling overwhelmed? Are you finding that managing the property yourself is more work than you anticipated? If so, it may be time to consider hiring a professional property management company. Here are five reasons why:

  1. Marketing – This is crucial for successfully renting your property! It includes taking photos, having any repairs addressed before listing, and strategically posting online once the listing is ready. We also complete a rental analysis to ensure we promote your property at a price that works for you and is competitive in the current market. We would take these tasks off your plate and ensure your property is ready and marketed for potential renters!
  2. Tenant Screening – Without a doubt, tenant screening is imperative. Comprehensive background and credit checks ensure we place a qualified renter on your property. We will also review rental history to check for any previous financial or eviction concerns. We set the parameters to protect you and your property and give you the best chance that rent will be paid every month without issue.
  3. Rent Collection – This is another piece of the puzzle that can be stressful, especially if you no longer reside near the rented property. We take on that burden and set up easy and convenient payment options for the tenant so that we can ensure you are paid on time. We handle any rent concerns, late payments, and, if needed, evictions.
  4. Coordinate Maintenance Repairs – Repairs will be needed regardless of the property’s condition. This is all part of being a landlord, but it can be tricky to find contractors to handle the repairs, especially from afar. Hiring G&H Properties will eliminate the research of finding someone to do the repairs and remove the stress of coordinating the schedule with the tenants.
  5. Move-In and Move-Out Inspections – Inspections are time-consuming and can bring up different conversations about repairs/damages/deposits etc. Wouldn’t it be nice to have someone take care of this for you? Having a property manager with your best interests in mind is important, so your property lives up to its fullest potential.

At G&H Properties, we will remove the guesswork and do the heavy lifting! Hiring a property management company provides peace of mind that your investment is protected!

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